Is Your System Secure? 5 Benefits of an Infrastructure System Assessment
Conducting an infrastructure system assessment is a bit like getting an oil change. We know we’re supposed to change the oil in our cars, yet the due date comes and goes, and the job falls to the bottom of our to-do list as more time-sensitive matters take precedence. However, delaying this simple and inexpensive task can cause unforeseen problems that affects your vehicle’s longevity and well-being.
An infrastructure system assessment is much the same. And, while not simple or inexpensive, it’s a critical task that needs to be completed regularly to protect your business and data. Not completing regular risk assessments can result in a number of consequences. Some of the more common effects are missed revenue, unknown security breaches, lost business, inability to meet current regulatory requirements, and failure to meet evolving business needs.
The benefits of regular risk assessments are many, including:
- Knowing your system — Depending on when you completed your last assessment, you may not know its current strengths and weaknesses. Understanding what is and isn’t working is the first step to improve your network’s functionality. Eliminate software and services that are draining resources, and focus on improving what is helping your business meet customer demands.
- Identifying security challenges — Knowing where your network is vulnerable to security breaches is the first step to reducing or eliminating risks. Security risks can be difficult to identify and can come from third-party vendors, internal users, or outdated systems. A fresh set of eyes may be all you need to protect your business from a devastating breach.
- Reducing IT costs — By identifying what isn’t working, you can streamline your systems and processes to reduce IT costs. In the ever-changing IT climate, new software with advanced capabilities can free up resources that are better allocated to another department.
- Meeting current regulatory requirements —Regulatory requirements seem to change daily. Keeping up with them can require multiple IT personnel alone, along with regular testing and troubleshooting. Learn where your network is susceptible and how you can ensure that your systems are up-to-date and ready for anything.
- Meeting current and future business goals — Your network may have been state-of-the-art at one time, meeting all your business needs. However, with the constantly evolving nature of IT, this is likely no longer the case. Update your systems as needed and incorporate new software to meet your current and future business goals.
Knowing you need an assessment is one thing. Hiring the right partner to perform it is another. Allowing any third party into your network creates risk. Therefore, make sure you know your selected provider. If you don’t know them, schedule an interview as if they were to be your next IT employee — because, essentially, they are.
Work with a reputable organization and vet them carefully. Learn about their experience and how they’ve helped other organizations meet their goals through effective, safe, and regular assessments. Taking these steps will ensure that your network continues to effectively support your current and future business.
[cta]To learn more about how Arisant can help you assess your business’s IT needs and assist you in finding the right solution, contact the Arisant experts at 303-330-4065 or by email at[/cta]